
more colors please

can`t stand the grey anymore! Longing for sun....... visit the blog aglassjar very often the last weeks to catch a little bit spring feeling.


two years ago....................

In february 2011 I completed my studies with the diploma thesis. Feels long time ago. Yesterday I`ve found the models covered with dust. No idea what to do with these too guys.....


catching the short moments of light...... so much to do the last, and the next, days...........................



My view the last days....................... not too bad, I know ;) This is a selection of cakes we serve at the café.


Still enjoy the birthday gifts that are spread around the apartment. The little flower bouquet, the candle made by my son, the wool stockings knitted by my dear friend. Yes, so nice to have all these new little things around that delight your everyday life.



I know it was a long blog brake.......... and in this brake we finally made the opening between living room and dining room...... I recovered from a bad flu............ and last but not least: I celebrated my birthday!
The glasses and the ittala-bowl, filled with my fave candy ever, are some of my very nice birthday gifts.

sick in bed

watching InterviewProject.

cubistic furniture from today

Inspired by the old books from the flea market I was searching for something more current. I`m happy that I`ve found these genius samples.



flea market finds

Last sunday at the flea market I could`t pass the 1€/1 book stall without buying these three treasures. I love the graphics and the colors in the first two ones. The third book is one for my hubby .........and me ;) We don`t have a garden but this climbing frame would be great in the child`s room as well, I think.


weekend in instagram

For everybody who likes to follow me on instagram you find me @nohalito


more reasons to love Bella

All these little unicums are made by my daughters nursery. ( I already showed you the one from last christmas here)
I love the christmas presents she is doing every year and of course everything else she is doing for the kids.


January the 6th.....

....time to clean up the house, storage the christmas decoration, arrange new flowers and wait for spring


HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you

Why not start the new year with a new project?! I think it is a good start and the right time for a change.
So we finally began to open the wall between living room and working room.
And after this it is definitely time for a better organizing like THIS.

What is on your TO-DO-LIST for 2013?